RadioMilwaukee’s Diggin’ with the Architect


Just digging around on the internet

Kanye West and Education

Kanye West Education

I really have a lot of respect for Kanye West as an artist and a person. Yes I know, he has had his moments in the media with his temper tantrums. However, he is one of the few artists that is passionate about is craft and art. To put it honestly, he is one of the few people that really says what is on his mind. In addition to that, he really cares about is community. Take his Kanye West Foundation for example. The goal of the foundation is to help kid in schools by providing creative outlets and programs in music for the kids.

Now he has joined a program called ED in 08. What is ED in 08?

Strong American Schools is a nonpartisan public awareness and action campaign offering a voice to every American who supports “ED in 08.” Our goal is to ensure that the nation engages in a rigorous debate and to make education a top priority in the 2008 presidential election. We hope that candidates will offer genuine leadership rather than empty rhetoric and tell voters how they intend to strengthen America’s schools so all students receive the education they deserve.

Check it out and sign up. Let your politicians know how important it is. Because frankly, the education system is not fair across board. A good education not only makes a difference for a kid, but for our whole society.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Filed under: community, culture, education, , ,